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Health + Flavor — The Perfect Recipe for FlavaNaturals Chocolate

Member Monday continues with a spotlight on Alan Frost, Founder of FlavaNaturals. FlavaNaturals specializes in performance-fueling (and tasty!) dark chocolate and cocoa powder products delivering cocoa flavanol levels proven to enhance brain, cardio and metabolic function. 

Keep reading to learn more about Alan’s successful career and the driving force behind FlavaNaturals. And, if you missed the Instagram sorry, check out the Member Monday Highlight on our page.

Tell us about the origin of FlavaNaturals. How does your original inspiration tie in with today’s vision for the company?

“I told you we should eat more chocolate!” I looked up from my coffee and there was my wife holding out the New York Times and looking very happy. She’d just read an article about a Columbia University study that linked chocolate to enhanced memory. Nothing makes my wife happier than a reason to eat more chocolate. But I was a biotech exec and skeptical, to say the least. 

So I dug deeper. Sure enough, I found dozens of placebo-controlled studies that demonstrated meaningful benefits of cocoa flavanols on the brain, heart and metabolic function. There was a catch though, and a pretty big one. The best results seemed to require the consumption of 500-1,000mg of cocoa flavanols a day — that’s 5-10 average dark chocolate bars! (I doubted even my wife would be up for that.) So began my quest to develop decadent chocolate with the naturally preserved flavanols proven so healthy. And a business was born. 

Pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors presents great rewards and great challenges for founders. What has been the most rewarding part of the journey for you so far? 

Piloting initiatives, meeting great people, overcoming challenges and consuming LOTs of cocoa get me fired up every day! So really it is the journey, more than any individual accomplishment, that I find most rewarding.

Prior to starting FlavaNaturals, you worked in biotech. How have your past experiences helped you succeed in your current role? 

My biotech experience particularly helps me with the science end of the business — assessing clinical studies and product benefits, developing appropriate health claims and educating consumers on the health benefits of cocoa flavanols.

Talk about the role of community in your business pursuits. How has the Branchfood membership helped you accelerate your goals?

Getting involved with the Boston food community has been super helpful and fun! It is especially important to me because I come from outside the industry — lots to learn and people to meet. Branchfood membership has truly made me feel part of the Boston Food community. From FoodEdge, Revolution Retail, Community Table and CIC co-working, we take advantage of it all and can’t thank Lauren and her team enough for their tremendous efforts in helping build a thriving entrepreneurial and innovative food culture in New England. 

What would be your greatest piece of advice for anyone looking to launch a CPG startup?

Never give up! There have probably been ten occasions when I thought we might have to end the business — issues related to raw ingredient supply, co-manufacturing, retail, cash flow and more. And as I speak to other entrepreneurs, this seems more the rule than the exception with a start-up. So re-group, brainstorm, seek out advice, find new partners and keep pushing forward. 

What is in store for the future of FlavaNaturals? 

COVID has put a temporary hold on our planned Boston region retail expansion and exhibit/WOM campaign, so instead we are leaning into online sales and other opportunities that hold great promise. First, is patient advocacy partnerships. Flavanols have tremendous health benefits to a wide array of people and we are forming partnerships with groups such as the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement, the Raynaud’s Association, and more to help get the word out! We are also exploring exciting strategic partnerships with large players in both the nutrition/fitness and healthcare markets. More to come over the next few months.

How can we support FlavaNaturals?

Products can be purchased on our website and on Amazon. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Join our community at for great content on cocoa flavanols, dark chocolate and the intersection of flavanols, performance and health (as well as notifications on sales!). 

Thank you again to Alan Frost and FlavaNaturals for being this week’s Member Monday spotlight. 

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