How We’re Finding the Good In 2020: Connection, Innovation, and Resilience


Somehow, we’ve made it to the end of 2020! Here at Branchfood, we’ve been reflecting on everything that made this year unlike any other. The COVID-19 pandemic has permanently changed our lives, and the food industry faced unprecedented challenges: supply chain disruptions, rising food insecurity, and restrictions on restaurants, just to name a few. But one thing stood out to us amidst this chaotic year: the food industry's extraordinary resilience in the face of uncertainty. We’ve found new ways to connect and collaborate, despite remaining physically separate. Entrepreneurs pivoted their businesses in record time to meet their customers and communities’ ever-changing needs. First-time founders launched start-ups not just in spite of, but in response to this year’s challenges. Our community forged into this uncharted territory with a spirit of connectivity, innovation, and resilience. To all the food entrepreneurs out there: thank you.

Thank you for showing us the true meaning of entrepreneurship.
Thank you for inspiring us to wake up everyday and find new ways to support you.
Thank you for trusting us during these unprecedented times.

2020 also saw remarkable acceleration in foodtech and agtech, making it a year of tremendous innovation and growth. Plant-based foods are booming and alternative proteins are witnessing breakthroughs in technology, with the first cell-based meat being approved for commercialization in Singapore. Services like contactless delivery, subscription boxes, and ghost kitchens have all accelerated under new circumstances and demands. Foodservice is rapidly adopting AI and automation as new technologies allow for greater efficiency and safety. Agtech has attracted record levels of funding as investors seek new ways to achieve a more equitable and resilient food system. Large food corporations are increasingly catering to the demands of a highly conscious consumer base. And innovative methods like indoor farming are being embraced across the globe.

If your 2020 was a year of innovation and growth, we want to sincerely congratulate you — making it through this pandemic is an incredible accomplishment. If your 2020 held more challenges than triumphs, know that we truly empathize with you, and we remain committed to supporting you in whatever capacity we can. Back in March, as the Branchfood team adjusted to our new work-from-home routines, we quickly began to realize that our community’s needs were changing. As we worked to create novel solutions for these new problems, we were touched by the outpouring of support directed at our community. Professionals across many industries immediately jumped into action, providing their time and expertise in our Serving Up Support series to help startups navigate this crisis. Industry experts did not hesitate to provide their guidance and mentorship to food entrepreneurs with the launch of our Mentorship Portal this summer. From financial experts to savvy lawyers, marketing gurus to researchers, it was moving to see so many talented individuals come together in the service of others.

Community is central to everything we do at Branchfood, so your support has meant the world to us as well. To all of you who connected with us this year by joining our monthly Community Table, attending an online event, using the Brand Portal, reading our newsletter, or just following along with us on social media — thank you. We wouldn’t be here without you, and your support helps us work towards our vision of an equitable, sustainable, and self-sufficient food system.

In keeping with this year’s spirit of innovative forms of connection, we can’t wait to close out 2020 at our annual Holiday Bash that we’re hosting virtually and  in collaboration with Clover Food Lab. This celebration will take place on Thursday, December 17th, from 4:30 pm - 6:30pm ET via Remo, a novel virtual networking platform that facilitates connections online. We hope you'll join us to celebrate your achievements with the food startup community, forge meaningful connections with leaders from Boston and beyond, and start planning for a fruitful 2021. 

We are also taking everything we’ve learned with us into 2021 to further support you in your journey and foster further collaboration between industry and startups. We're committed to catalyzing food innovation in New England, so expect plenty of exciting events and entrepreneurship programs in the coming year! In the meantime, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. We can't wait to see what 2021 has in store for our community.

Thank you and cheers to a better and brighter 2021!

-Team Branchfood